Greyhound Advocate Louise Coleman Sets Book Signing for October 3rd at Pacificists Memorial in Sherborn, MA

Greyhound Advocate Louise Coleman Sets Book Signing for October 3rd at Pacificists Memorial in Sherborn, MA

‘Boston Boy: A Greyhound Journey’ tells of her personal tales and reflections on her journey to rescue greyhounds

(Sherborn, MA – September 29, 2020) International greyhound adoption advocate Louise Coleman is set to do a book signing of Boston Boy: A Greyhound Journey this Saturday, October 3rd from  12Noon to 2:00 PM at the Pacificists Memorial in Sherborn.

Now in its second printing, Boston Boy A Greyhound Journey chronicles Coleman’s work as an advocate for greyhound adoption, and the cast of characters, animals and their amazing stories. It covers three decades of challenging trials and tribulations speaking very deeply to the human spirit and the ultimate need people have to participate in reducing the suffering of the vulnerable. The stories and reflections in the book take the reader on an unforgettable journey around the world, where the grassroots efforts of a few have changed the course of many. This engaging read helps illustrate the complicated fabric of animal rescue and the nature of humans which are drawn to the quest of saving animals in need.

Coleman began her involvement with greyhound advocacy after  adopting “Boston Boy” in 1983. She continues to have strong ties with the greyhound advocacy community globally, and has worked to end greyhound racing in Ireland, Spain and parts of Central and South America. At the book signing, Coleman will discuss her on-going efforts to promote greyhound adoption.

The Pacifists Memorial is located at 2 North Main Street in Sherborn, MA. The event will be held outdoors with social distancing and masks required. Attendance will be limited to comply with current guidelines for gatherings in the Commonwealth.

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